Dog Blog Book Review: “Dark of the West” by Joanna Hathaway

Baby Girl's Review: Appearance: 3 out of 4 paws. It looks like a game I like to play called Find It. Mom hides something, and I have to hunt for it, and it's so much fun! So let's see, in this game of Find It, I've found a horse, BIRD! (gotta chase), big flying thing … Continue reading Dog Blog Book Review: “Dark of the West” by Joanna Hathaway

Dog Blog Book Review: “Wicked Saints” by Emily A. Duncan

Baby Girl's Review: Appearance: 2 out of 4 paws. It doesn't look like somewhere I might want to go. Don't get me wrong--I love to go. I'd just rather go somewhere like a park or a trail where all the good smells are. Then again, there could be good smells at this place too, so... … Continue reading Dog Blog Book Review: “Wicked Saints” by Emily A. Duncan